For the longest time I had sworn Christina Aguilera (and her music) off. Since '99, I had been strictly team Britney, considering Xtina her rival. I had enjoyed "Come On Over" in 2000, as well as a few of the singles off of her sophomore album (titled Stripped), but none of those likings sparked enough interest in me to buy either album. I just hated her voice. In fact, I believe I referred to it as Kermit and Miss Piggy's love child on speed. Then 2006 rolled around and I decided it was time to give her third album Back to Basics a chance. And I was glad I did!
Fast forward to today, 2010. It's the future, and many artists are recognizing that. While many people are ridiculing Aguilera for ripping off Lady Gaga, I have to say, I can't see that too much. Sure, I can see where one would draw comparisons to two or three futuristic getups Xtina dons in the album's booklet, but I'd say the main inspiration (read: inspiration, NOT ripoff) comes from Madonna, specifically from her Erotica album era. I mean, seriously! In the booklet for the Deluxe Edition of the album (which is subject to review here), the page with the lyrics to "Monday Morning" is more or less almost an exact replica of Erotica's main album cover. But all comparisons aside, let's just review the album, shall we?
1. Bionic - Though it's really a song, I consider this an intro. It's a strong way to open up the album. Bravo!
2. Not Myself Tonight - I'm shocked that this, the lead single off the album, didn't perform better than it did. It's really fun and catchy!
3. Woohoo (featuring Nicki Minaj) - There really is no delicate way to put this. This song finds Aguilera singing about her nether regions. There. It's out in the open (no pun intended). In all seriousness, it's a fun song that will hopefully perform well (who am I kidding, Nicki Minaj is in it, of course it'll do well!).
4. Elastic Love - From the first few seconds of the song, you can tell that it's got a totally retro feel to it. The echoing vocals, the snappy beat all contribute to this effect (my guess is it's supposed to be representative of a rubber band snapping...get it? ELASTIC love? No?). After a while, it really does get on your nerves, but at the same time you can't get it out of your head. I'd recommend it.
5. Desnudate - If Christina was Britney, this is her version of "Get Naked (I Got A Plan)". She forcefully demands her lover to get naked for her. And in Spanish! So not only is it firey, but you know she means business!
6. Love & Glamour (Intro) - The first of several strange and useless interludes.
7. Glam - This song is just average at best. The beat is nothing special, the lyrics are generic, and it's just overall very repetitive.
8. Prima Donna - Okay, now we're talkin'! You can really hear the passion and intensity in Christina's voice throughout the song, and especially during the chorus in this one. Is that Lil' Jon I hear in the background during the final minute or so of the song? I'm not sure...
9. Morning Dessert (Intro) - This doesn't sound like Christina at all! I can't quite put my finger on it, but she definitely doesn't sound like herself here! And the note in the background she hits from roughly 1:07 - 1:10 sounds freakishly like Mariah Carey!
10. Sex for Breakfast - If you have a sleepover with Xtina, don't bother bringing her eggs, toast or OJ. There's only one thing she's hungry for! It's a slow ballad that isn't half bad!
11. Lift Me Up - Another pretty slow song. Normally I'm not a fan of slow songs, but for some reason, I love the ones on here!
12. My Heart (Intro) - The nonsensical babbling man at the beginning sounds like the foreign-speaking man at the beginning of Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On". Then he proceeds to sounds like Fred Willard. This strangeness is followed by Aguilera's song singing like her. If it was just him, the interlude would have been adorable!
13. All I Need - Not really feeling it. It's not bad, though. It's got a jazzy and classical feel to it, which seems out of place on the album.
14. I Am - I'm indifferent towards this one. It's very indie-ish.
15. You Lost Me - This one's also little too indie-ish for me. Christina, you're a pop singer. Please remember that for the next album.
16. I Hate Boys - I don't know what it is, but this one reminds me of "Woohoo". Maybe it's because the chorus seems like a chant, much like "Woohoo"'s.
17. My Girls - It's not horrible, but why on Earth is Peaches famous? Let's be real here.
18. Vanity - This track showcases Aguilera at her most narcissistic attitude. She literally talks about how she turns herself on. Wow. Don't get me wrong, it's catchy, but still Christina. You have a child. You shouldn't be acting like you are his age.
19. Monday Morning - This one sounds like a combination between "Elastic Love" and LaRoux's "Bulletproof". It's really funky and fun!
20. Bobblehead - I'll admit, I do like this song. It does sound like it should have been recorded by Ke$ha.
21. Birds of Prey - It's freaky. In fact, so freaky that it's hypnotizingly good.
22. Stronger Than Ever - The chorus is awesome! But that's about all it's got going for it. The verses are mediocre.
23. I Am (Stripped) - Acoustic version of the same song on the album.
24. Little Dreamer - Only available if you pre-ordered the album from iTunes. It's alright, nothing to write home about.
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