No, I will not apologize for all the recent Britney love. I've been a fan of hers over random periods of time. From 1999 - 2002, the end of 2003 - 2004, and then from late 2007 - 2009. My respect for her has gone up and down throughout the years, and just a few weeks ago, my respect has been gained back, mainly focusing on her first two albums. Either way, in 2000, just 16 months after the release of her debut album, her sophomore album, Oops!...I Did It Again dropped. One would guess that the album would be inferior to her debut, due to the proximity of the two albums' release dates. Impressively, this was not the case. Although I wouldn't quite say Oops! was better than ...Baby, but not worse at all. Despite some people's belief that Oops! was just a rush effort to ride onto the charts just as ...Baby's success slowly decreased, it was obvious that this was not true, since chart positions and sales showed that fans were still hungry for more Britney.
1. Oops!...I Did It Again - I'm not sure if it's because it was horrifically overplayed back in the day, or if it's so repetitive, but the lead single is probably my least favorite from the album. Nowadays, I always skip it.
2. Stronger - While this one was also occasionally overplayed, it's not as bad as the first single. I still love this song.
3. Don't Go Knockin' On My Door - I was never too crazy about this one, but it's pretty darn catchy. By this point in her career, we had never seen Britney this angry and edgy, so it's somewhat refreshing. After this song, there's the first of a few interludes. The interlude here serves as an intro to the following song, and is Britney's friend telling her how she's never satisfied, but she refutes with a "Well, I know I'm a little picky, but, hey. I just know what I want!" Stick it to the man (or, in this case, girl)!
4. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Many people have bashed Brit for covering a song like this so early on in her career, but I gotta give her props for this one. It's a decent cover of the Rolling Stones song by the same name. I like it a lot.
5. Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know - The final single released off of the album was also the single that performed the poorest. I never really understood why, it's a really great song. The video, however, was a little more sexual than anything she'd done before.
6. What U See (Is What U Get) - One of my favorites. It's one of those classic "This is me. You can't and you won't change me." songs. While it's a tad cliche, it's got a great, funky beat, and meaningful lyrics. Appended to this is the second interlude on the album. A guy leaves a voicemail for Britney talking about how the movie they saw the other night about the girl who had all that fame, and all that money and how she still wasn't happy. He finishes with "Wouldn't that make a cool song?", segueing into...
7. Lucky - It's so hard to pick favorite songs on any album, since I love a ton of them. If I had to pick, this'd probably be my favorite. A song about a Hollywood starlet who has money, fame and fortune, yet still isn't satisfied with life.
8. One Kiss From You - Britney basically tells us about how the kiss of the boy she's crushing on gives her the strength and the power to carry on through the day. Not the worst song, but far from the best.
9. Where Are You Now - For a loooooonnnnnnnngggggg time this was my favorite song on the album. I still love it, but I just don't find it as good as I used to. Definitely recommended, though.
10. Can't Make You Love Me - Maybe it's me, but I feel like this could be "Lucky, Part 2", from the perspective of the star Spears sang about in track 7. She talks about how she has it all made in the shade, but she can't make somebody love her. Again, not one of my favorites.
11. When Your Eyes Say It - Another great song. It's a slow ballad about communicating with your eyes...ooh la la! (On North American pressings of the album, an interlude is included in which Britney is with friends and she sees a boy whom she thinks is cute. Her friends persuade her to approach him but she doesn't know what to say. This then segues into Dear Diary, which is track 12. On Non North American editions, this interlude is appended to the end of Heart, which segues into Dear Diary, which is track 15 on all other editions.)
12. Girl In The Mirror - (Only available on Non North American pressings of the album.) In this song of self-realization, Spears talks about a "girl" in her "mirror". "I wonder who she is // Sometimes I think I know her // Sometimes I really wish I did". Britney says "There's nothing I can tell her // To make her feel alright" because the girl is sad and "Crying 'cause of you". In the end "I can't believe what I see // The girl in the mirror // Is me!". It's a very powerful song, and I love it.
13. You Got It All - (Only available on Non North American pressings of the album.) The second cover song on the album. This one was originally recorded by The Jets. Her vocals are very powerful, strong and pure in this one. Apparently this was recorded during the ...Baby One More Time sessions, which makes sense, because the way her vocals and the music sound on this one feels like it would fit more in place on that album.
14. Heart - (Only available on Non North American pressings of the album.) A breakup song. Britney has a 'discussion' with her heart. Saying "all the hurt will soon be gone" and that "he wasn't meant to be". It's another powerful and emotional song. (On Non North American editions of the album, the interlude in which Britney is with friends and she sees a boy whom she thinks is cute is appended to the end of THIS track, and segues into Dear Diary, track 15 on Non North American pressings.)
15. Dear Diary - (Appears as track 12, the final track, on North American pressings.) For years and years, I absolutely hated this song, and I continued to do so until recently, but now I don't think it's half bad. It's Britney writing in her diary about seeing (and subsequently meeting) a boy who she has feelings for. She concludes the song with "Diary, do ya think that we'll be more than friends? // I've got a feeling we'll be so much more // Than friends".
16. Walk On By - (Only on Australian and New Zealand pressings.) - I just heard this song for the very first time tonight. I'm lovin' it! The beat sorta reminds me of a mixture between Sometimes, Deep In My Heart and I Will Be There (from her debut album ...Baby One More Time).
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